Probably for rawfoodists this discovery will mean nothing, but for me it's a real epiphany.
I bought in a wonderful shop called Sur la Table (by the way, why you are not in Italy too?!) a fantastic tool. Yep, it's that one I published in my last post. It's this guy:
This is a peeler able to make vegetable spaghetti. Zucchini spaghetti, to be clear.
I have to be honest, I've always been quite skeptical about this kind of "pasta". You know, I am italian... spaghetti are spaghetti!
But, I think that I just entered in a new world... a world where you can have the satisfaction of a wonderful plate of spaghetti for dinner, without quarrelling with your diet or your personal trainer!
The sauce that I've chosen for this recipe is also full of iron and proteins...perfect for your gym training.
So, get online or in a shop this little new friend and start your journey to a perfect, balanced, no carbs, harmonious, funny and tasty dish: the personal trainer proof spaghetti!
Ingredients for two:
6 zucchini
and whatever you like on your usual pasta: pesto, tomato sauce, chili, garlic, cheese....
For this recipe I will use:
an handfull of dried shiitake mushrooms
10 pecan nuts.
2 leeks
1 garlic wedge
4 TS of extravergin olive oil
salt & pepper
First thing: put the shiitake mushrooms in a bowl full of lukewarm water and wait half an hour. After 30 minutes, filter the water (do not throw it away!) and let the shiitakes have fun and relax a little bit.
Second thing: use the peeler. Peel the zucchini and create amazing spaghetti. Please, sing something nice during this operation. Singing will bring you joy!
Third thing, the condiment: in a large pan, heat up 2 TS of extravergin olive oil with the leeks cutted in little slices. Sautè them and then add the shitake mushroom and the pecan nuts (irregularly chopped). If necessary, add some filtered mushroom water to moisturize the sauce. Add salt and pepper as you like.
Here we are with our zucchini spaghetti: take a big nonstick pan, put 2 TS of extravergin olive oil and 1 garlic wedge. Staaaaaaaart the fire! It has to be very high! Stir-fry zucchini noodles for 3/4 minutes but add salt only at the end.
Now, it's time: season your spaghetti with this delicious mushroom and nuts sauce and enjoy the surprising texture and taste of this recipe!
NB: Why don't we talk, just for a moment, about shiitake mushrooms?... Have you ever tried them? No?...
Ohhhh, you don't know what you're missing! They are little but with a big personality indeed! They are firm and aromatic, very very healthy, full of iron and they are considered a symbol of longevity in Asia. I just love them.
Setting the table:
Autumn is here, all the leaves are getting orange, yellow and brown. So, fill the table with this colors. Don't be afraid to use also brown:it's a very elegant and relaxing color. You could also create a table centerpiece with some little orange pumpkins, some cestnuts and leaves. Use your creativity...
The Song:
They are just incredible (since the 80's) and this song, sung in this way, it's so authentic and beautiful. It's perfect for a cooking-with-love session!
The Movie:
I've chosen for you this movie not because it has any link with zucchini... but because it has enchanted me with its "ode to emotions" and with its hilarious scenes. This is one of the best!