lunedì 18 gennaio 2016

My purple salad

Hallo my dear friends and happy new year! Yes, I know, I am quite late.... but it's fine as well, come on!
So, have you already written down your new year's resolutions? Not yet?
Well, I have started this amazing new year with a huge energy injection: a backpack trip!
I love travelling and I love to do it with my best friend/companion/soul mate...
So, I had time to write down my new resolutions:

  1. I would like to be, stay and live more surrounded by nature
  2. I would like to worry less and trust more
  3. I would like to train my self (body, mind and soul) more and in a better way
  4. I would like to be busy and extremely happy to be tired
That's all!
So, let me know about YOUR new year's resolutions!

I would also start this 2016 with a recipe, healthy and full of vibrant colour: my purple salad.
Purple is the result of red and blue together (opposite colors...), is the color of transformation, of transition, represents the 7th Chakra... It's actually one of my favourite colors ever.

Using these ingredients, full of life and energy, you will love this fantastic salad.

Ingredients for two:
1/2 red cabbage
a little bunch of grapes
a handful of dried red berries
a handful of walnuts
the juice of one tangerine
the juice of half lemon
some drops of apple vinegar
extravergin olive oil.

How easy it is!
Just cut very finely the red cabbage and, in two, the grapes. Mix them with the dried red berries and the walnuts. The dressig has to be the simpliest but the tastier ever: lemon and tangerine juice, salt and extravergin olive oil. What else do you need?

Setting the table:
All purple? Mmmm, no, it's too predictable! Why don't you create something like these candles?
I saw this table in a restaurant in Havana and I took this picture immediately! I love the combination of these three colors!

The music:
In this 2016 I also decided to take more care of my body, nourishing it with some... dance. Yes, dance! I don't care if I am not a good dancer, if I am quite a "piece of wood"! Dance can mean something very deep for our entire being. I said "nourishment" not by chance.
Which music could be purple? Maybe this...

Don't worry, I haven't gone bananas.
On the contrary.

The movie:
Purple, as I said before, means transformation.
I think that on this mood, the right movie could be this:

"Look fear in the face and it will cease 
to trouble you"
Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri