Rome is so wonderful in every season, but during summer, it becomes more and more fascinating and enchanting. The light is golden at the sunset and even the heat, sometimes very high, is sweet and nice, because it talks about vacations, enjoying life, taking easy and relaxing.
There's no need to say that every single corner of that city tells a story, shows a piece of humanity, reminds that we all have a deep past behind us, a path that gets streight to us.
We are part of this long (Hi)story. Sometimes I feel tenderness and gratitude for those who lived before me, because they made their part of the road that goes up to me and now, maybe, I am what I am also thanks to them.
I must say that Rome is also my father's hometown and it means much to me.
Sometimes I imagine him, as a young man, charming and light-hearted (but in the sametime always very profound), driving his Vespa through the streets of Rome. He had to be really "cool", during the 60's!... Right, daddy?
By the way, if you want to visit Rome, I would like to give you just some little advices:
- Flow with italian rythm, do not make resistance...
- Stop being a tourist and become a Roman.
- Eat what you love! You'll get simply crazy.
- If you can, take off your shoes and feel the History under your feet.
- Walk, walk, walk...
I chose for you what I consider one of the most succulent roman recipe:
Mozzarella in carrozza (literally Mozzarella in carriage)
Ingredients for two:
8 slices of sandwich bread
2 eggs
Some flour (you can use also wholemeal flour if you prefer)
1/2 mozzarella
3 T.S. of milk
5 T.S. of extravergin olive oil
1 pinch of grated lemon peel
1 pinch of salt
Cut the bread crusts from the four sides of the bread slices.
In the meantime, beat in a bowl the egg with the milk, a pinch of salt and the grated lemon peel.
Cut the mozzarella into slices. They have to be not too big.
Now, let's prepare a sort of sandwich: one slice of bread + one slice of mozzarella (put it only in the middle) + another slice of bread.
Heat the oil in a big pan. It must be pretty hot.
At this point, dip the "sandwich" in the beaten egg, then in the flour and then in the egg again.
BE CAREFUL: Press well the edges of the bread so that it will not open during the frying.
And with a agile gesture.... let's fry! It will become golden and crispy in 3 minutes. Just delicious!
Please, do not wait. Just eat it as soon as possible. It must be hot: the mozzarella will be melted and it will create joyous and irresistible filaments. Ready to be eaten!
Setting the table:
Do you have some wrapping paper? Yes, the brown one! Use it as a plate. It works perfectly if you want to walk-and-eat and it's also ideal to absorb the oiliness... Just amazing!
The music:
I love this song! It says: "Rome, don't be fool tonight, help me to get her to say yes..."
And Lando Fiorini (the singer) is a real legend in Italy!
Just close your eyes, imagine a beautiful terrace with a breathtaking view...
The movie:
What can I say?
Audrey and Gregory on a Vespa bike...
The movie #2:
This is what happens when Rome embraces us...:
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