lunedì 21 settembre 2015

Veggie Mayo forever

My dear friends, it's time to talk about something that, when I discovered it, opened an entire world in front of me.
A delicious mayo, much better than that the traditional one, so light and easy to prepare!
Ok, this is a fantastic base for many dressing, sauces and recipes. With it you can prepare jummy potato salads, "insalata russa" (Russian salad), mock "vitello tonnato" (veal with tuna sauce), delicious sandwiches and much more... And don't forget all its variations: with ketchup, with garlic and parsley, with onion and basil, with capers and olives, with saffron, curry, cumin seeds, etc...
Use your fantasy!

120 ml of unsweetened, plane soy milk
80 ml of 1/2 sunflower seeds oil and 1/2 extravergin olive oil
Some drops of squeezed lemon
A pinch of turmeric powder
1/2 ts of mustrad

With your loyal and irreplaceable blender (Minipimer....) put in a high plastic glass the soy milk. Than add, little by little, the oil. Move the blender up and down to incorporate as much air as possible.
Then, it will happen a magic when you'll put also the lemon juice... (in scientific terms, it will coagulate!). And the mayo will become firm and super creamy.
This is the moment to give color to your mayo: add some turmeric powder, yes!
Then add salt and a little quantity of mustard.
It's done ;-) now it's your turn: use it on the bread, in a salad, with some crunchy, fresh vegetable and also (believe it or not) also as a moisturizing face and hair mask!!! Wherever you like!

Setting the table:
Oh, I love those old, stylish, very 800's gravy boats! Now they are actually disappearing from our homes but... I'd like to use one of them for my veggie mayo. Just to combine new and old together, I love it!

The music:
Well, do you have any suggestion about how to combine mayonnaise with a song? Mmmmm... This is quite tricky! Let's think about something "old" but always modern. Maybe I found it...I am thinking about something light, smooth and tender. Something that you can enjoy with no worries or hurries. Why not this enchanting voice?
Amelita Galli Curci  is such an incredible talent and her story is so beautiful and inspiring that I really suggest you to go on the web and looking for her. Thanks Amelita for your divine voice!

The movie:
Another extraordinary woman: Julia Child. I really like the scene in the movie Julie&Julia where Julia explains the true secret for a perfect mayonnaise, she is so passionate! Unfortunately, I couldn't find that particular scene, but I really did loved also this one:

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